Data Privacy Day

SDMI Supports and Celebrates National Data Privacy Day

There is a lot of information available especially lately around safety, however when discussing safety in healthcare most think about things masks, hand sanitizer and cleaning protocols, but there is another major area of healthcare safety shouldn’t be forgotten. Your DATA. The National Cyber Security Alliance reminds us that personal information is like money, we should value it and protect it.At SDMI we take your safety seriously from our cleaning protocols to your Protected Health Information (PHI).  SDMI has a full time compliance officer on-site cyber security team that works to keep your information locked down.Some of the ways we do this are:

  • We require you to confirm your identity any time you call us
  • We will never discuss personal details of your visit on social platforms
  • Any email that is sent that may contain PHI is sent through a secure server requiring log in access

SDMI is committed to your health and safety from spotlessly clean facilities to rigorous accreditations like AAAHC to your PHI, when you come to SDMI you can trust we are here to protect you.For more information on National Data Privacy Day visit the National Cyber Security Alliance at they have a lot of information on steps you can take to protect your data.

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